Italian Traditional Heavy Metal newcomers SLEAZER join INFERNÖ Records

Time for us to announce you the new band to join the label this year...
This time, this is an all-male band (yes, we're often told we sign all-female bands only !) called SLEAZER - coming from Italy !!!

Founded in 2011, the band has since worked very hard and now can be considered as one of the most interesting bands to emerge from the undergound scene !

After a first demo, they established them as a serious outsider in the battle of traditional Heavy-Metal defenders together with bands like Enforcer, Skull Fist, Cauldron... One song ("Fall Again") can be listened now, this will give you an idea of how HARD they're gonna rock you once the album "Fall Into Disgrace" will be out !!!

Expect album to be out on CD in the next weeks....

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"Fall Again" (New Song)


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