Esprit D'Air: "10th Anniversary Live"-Album veröffentlicht

Esprit D'Air releases their brand new 10th Anniversary Live album on February 5, 2021. As featured on Billboard & Loudwire, the new live album contains live recordings from their online concert last year.


The new live album is available in both physical CD (exclusively via Bandcamp), and digital and streaming formats, with the CD version containing two extra tracks, 'Nebulae' and 'Leviathan'.

The live album was recorded and mixed by Ays Kura at KK's Steel Mill, which took place in October 2020. Performed by one-man-band member Kai, Esprit D'Air is joined by live guests Yusuke Okamoto on guitar, and first-time guests Kazuki Nishigaki on bass, and Andre Joyzi on drums.

Esprit D'Air recently released their new single, 'Leviathan' in December 2020. The cinematic video by Andy Mihov (Bury Tomorrow's 'Cannibal') premiered on Loudwire and has already garnered over 600,000 views on YouTube, and received airplay on Kerrang! Radio & more. Collaborating with both HEAVYGRINDER & Shirobon with remixes, the 3-track release received over 230,000 streams on Spotify, and is praised by members of The Sisters of Mercy, The Birthday Massacre, and Vallenfyre.

Reformed in 2016, Esprit D'Air is a self-produced and self-signed Japanese metal band based in London led by vocalist, composer, producer, and one-man-band member Kai. Esprit D'Air is currently working on recording their brand new album, Oceans, and will be releasing brand new singles this year.

For more information, please visit

Quelle: Starstorm Digital

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