CZAKAN sind zurück - Re-Release von "State Of Confusion"

German 80's Hard Rock group CZAKAN will return in the year 2023 - and there are big things to come!

First comes the re-release of their classic "State Of Confusion" album which will see the light of day on February 17th, 2023 via Pride & Joy Music! This re-release shines with an expanded booklet and a re-mastering by Robin Schmidt (Foo Fighters etc).

State Of Confusion (re-release)
Pride & Joy Music
17 February 2023

The time has come: the re-release of the much acclaimed Czakan debut album 'State of Confusion', which was awarded ‘record of the month’ in 'Metal Star' when it was released in 1989 and sold around 25,000 copies in Germany, is imminent! The outstanding re-mastering by Robin Schmidt at 24-96 Mastering Karlsruhe brings the `89 production far more than just to today’s level in addition to having a new label behind it – a storm is brewing!

Back home after this release, none other than Reinhold Mack (Queen, Rolling Stones, ELO and many more) contacted the boys and invited them to a weekend at the Musicland Studios in Munich. He put Czakan to the next step of their career. ‘Free Line' and 'She is a Woman' were recorded. Two incredible titles that opened the next doors for the band.

Frank Bornemann, owner of Horus Sound Studio Hanover and mastermind of German based band Eloy, knocked. In April 1988 he signed Czakan to Edition Metromania - a cooperation with Warner Chappell publishing. The musical fine-tuning of the rough diamond Czakan began. The band reaped the first benefits of this cooperation with the silver medal at the young talent festival, which the Rockfabrik Ludwigsburg organized in cooperation with the magazine 'Metal Hammer' on Boxing Day 1988. In the audience, executives of former German record company Intercord. After many lucrative offers, the band finally decided to sign a record deal with the guys from Stuttgart.
In June1989 Czakan boarded the Horus Sound Studios. During that summer they created their first record. 'State of Confusion' was born. Already, after the first feedbacks it became clear that this band easily could measure up with any international competition. A tour across Germany followed as the opening act for Uriah Heep's 20th Anniversary tour. After that, the trail of this brilliant band unfortunately got lost in the sands of time...

...until today ...because Czakan is back! With a grandiose remaster of `State of Confusion` and lots of news for spring 2023


Line Up: Michael Schennach – Vocals, Oliver Güttinger – Guitar, Tom Fein – Keyboard, Randy Arcachon - Drums, Frank Schrafft - Bass

Quelle: GerMusica PR

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